Application for Employment PERSONAL INFORMATION Name * Social Security # * Phone * Email * Address * City * State * Zip * DESIRED EMPLOYMENT Position Work * Full TimePart Time Have you been given a copy of the job requirements?: YesNo REFERRED BY (employee’s name): EDUCATION High School: Did you graduate? * YesNo Special Skills Have you been convicted of a criminal offense within the last five (5) years? YesNo If yes, explain FORMER-CURRENT EMPLOYERS(List from most recent employer first) Company Name * May we contact? * YesNo Address Supervisor Phone Start Date Leave Date Final Wage Rate $ Reason for Leaving EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS Name Phone Relation REFERENCES(Other than family, current employees or prior employers) Name * Relationship * Phone * Years Known * Name Relationship Phone Years Known ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF APPLICATION AND EMPLOYMENT CONDITIONS I have read the requirements of the position, and I declare that I am physically able to conduct the work required without any hazard to my health. I am aware that if I am offered employment and fail any required physical examinations, prior to or after employment, that the offer may be rescinded or I may be terminated without further notice. I am also aware that Bigger Glass Company, LLC is a drug free employer and that I am required to submit to drug-alcohol screening, prior to being approved to start work. I understand that falsification or the omission of any material information required to evaluate your application for employment will be grounds for refusal to hire or for termination if the falsity or omission is discovered after employment. I declare that the information presented in this application is true. I understand that company benefits are only available to full time employees, and that they are only offered after the completion of a new hire 3 months (90 days) probationary period. The availability of any benefits offered are subject to the insurance provider’s rules and regulations. If employed, I agree to abide by the provisions established in the various company policies and procedures manuals, and all revisions, as they have been provided to me as a function of my interview process. I am aware that my employment with the company, if hired, is at will and that I, or the company, may terminate the employment relationship at any time for any reason. Finally, I understand that any negotiation or offer discussed with the interviewing manager is not valid until approved by the President or Vice President of Bigger Glass Company. Signed Date/Time UPLOAD RESUME